Perplexed, disappointed
and outraged

Rooftop LV solar PV is by far the largest
contributor to renewable energy on the planet and a sustainable high-growth
industry surrounding this technology would create thousands of sorely-needed
jobs in South Africa.
Eskom doesn’t get it and, per the memo,
forbids low voltage embedded
generators - such as 230-volt or 400V grid-tied solar PV systems - to connect
to the Eskom grid, even if they do not feed power back into the grid.
I am perplexed. Does this, at a stroke,
render illegal thousands of already-installed, low voltage solar PV
By contrast, the GAU has given its blessing
for medium and high-voltage
generators to connect to Eskom’s network simply because the process is
“existing and approved”.
The disappointing thing about the GAU’s
position is that - at no cost to Eskom - small scale rooftop LV solar PV
installations could go a long way towards relieving SA’s current power
shortages and obviating inconvenient black-outs.
Moreover, rooftop solar PV has the
potential to feed back much-need power into the grid to assist industries,
currently being paid by Eskom to minimise power-sapping production cycles, to
return to full production again.
Does the GAU not realise that this move
would create thousands of new jobs, improve the balance of payments deficit,
boost GDP and more?
Most organisations facing as many
insurmountable challenges as Eskom would not persist in throwing as many
bureaucratic hurdles in the way of one of the key solutions to its
well-documented woes as the GAU has.
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