Monday, 17 August 2015

We’re cutting the cost of standby power system maintenance

We’re cutting the cost of standby power system maintenance

By Jack Ward, MD of Powermode

Powermode is making a determined effort to cut the cost of maintaining critical standby power provisioning equipment for its customers. We’ve instituted a nation-wide ‘flat rate’ for users opting for preventative maintenance agreements covering diesel and petrol generators, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems and battery backup systems.

Aimed at companies with multiple sites across South Africa, Powermode’s new maintenance scheme is complemented by a four-hour telephonic response for technical queries and priority on-site response for emergency call-outs.

Ideally suited to national enterprises with multiple branch offices, chain stores and franchised fast food outlets, the national flat-rate preventative maintenance scheme comes with a 15% discount on labour and spares.

Powermode's new country-wide
flat rate
The scheme is centred on a sliding scale-based fee structure for companies with between three and 100-plus sites. The more sites incorporated, the cheaper the flat rate covering all sites, no matter how remote.

At Powermode, we currently provide regular maintenance and emergency support services to more than 2000 corporate sites in SA. Thanks to our large, nation-wide footprint, we’re able to syndicate the costs of preventative maintenance events with many machines in the same area.

A number of large chain stores have already taken advantage of our offer. It’s the only pricing structure that makes sense in this time of power uncertainty. I’m sure you agree - the regular maintenance of standby power equipment is now a business imperative.

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